Well...more of a brain fart, I guess. There are times when I have something to post but don't have the time (or internet connection) to get it posted...and then there are times like now...lot's of time (and internet connection) but I have nothing profound to say.
So instead I'll just ramble on about the past couple of weeks...I guess the last real update that I did was catching y'all up on my adventures in Florida.
Charlotte, NC was a great place (especially after being in Florida for so long)...colder weather and some trees other than palms! The city was impressive with it's architecture and vibrancy (is that really a word?)I had the chance to see Al DiMeola on our Tuesday night at a small venue that he had booked instead of playing in New Orleans...what a treat! We also went to Carowinds on our Saturday night...where they were doing Scarowinds (Kind of like Halloweekends at Cedar Point) where I got to ride the big roller coasters (unfortunately it was only from 7pm to Midnight...and the lines were long that night). I also got the chance to work the load-out for the Rolling Stones on our Friday night...we went from finishing our show over to the new arena (which the Stones were "christening")...we got in backstage just before the Stones took the stage and got to hang out during the show...it was fun watching from back behind the video mixing board...and then we got to watch from the arena floor in the house right vom. After that, it was time to start pushing things to the trucks (27 of them...as compared to our 2) and get things loaded out...it only took 3 hours, but there was a ton of people working! It was a great experience...looking forward to doing more of the same.
Macon, GA was fun and interesting in a "big little river city" kind of way...you could feel the history around you but it was very small townish as well. Didn't do too much there...
Albany, GA was all suburbs...no "real" downtown area to speak of...except for the arena that we played and the city hall...I guess that I was expecting more. We had an enjoyable weekend...carving pumpkins on Friday and having our Halloween party on Saturday night...I went as Bacchus...I found a toga costume and had a goblet overflowing with grapes and drank from a bottle of good wine...I guess it was just and excuse to drink from the bottle.
We were supposed to have played in New Orleans the week after being in Georgia...but alas Katrina had other plans for us...since we couldn't book anywhere else to play, we had the week off! When I found out about our week off, I was planning on coming home to visit with Uncle Elmer since he wasn't doing very well, unfortunately he had passed away two weeks before my break...My Aunt told me not to worry about coming home and that my Uncle would have wanted me to take a week off. So my friend in Minneapolis said that if I wasn't going to go home...I should come up there...so I did! I was going to break the trip apart and rest somewhere along the way...but I ended up pushing forth and making it to Minneapolis after spending 22 hours driving! I had and enjoyable time in Minneapolis even though most of the leaves had fallen from the trees...I took many pictures and even got to spend some time with Kerry...our Asst. Carpenter who left the tour...I was able to bring some of her personal things to her which was an added bonus for going to Minneapolis. We went and saw Bill Engvall at the Orphuem on Saturday night...very funny show! I was able to go to liturgy at St. John the Baptist in Minneapolis on Sunday before I left and made the trek down to San Antonio. Special thank you's to Kristin, Kerry and Kerry's family for your friendship, time and hospitality.
On the way down to San Antonio I stopped ini Oklahoma City. Why? For a root canal, silly! Actually, I needed to have a root canal...and when I was on tour last season, I needed to get one while we were in Oklahoma City...I found Dr. Jason Dukes and he did such a wonderful job...that I went to him again! Since he was on the way from Minneapolis to San Antonio I figured it was karma. Once again he did a top notch job. I also took the opportunity while in town to go back to the Murrah Building memorial and take some nighttime pictures with my tripod...I have them posted...so if you haven't seen them yet, just scroll down...I think I took some really powerful shots this time.
Oh well...this one is definately a long enough post...instead of adding San Antonio and Lafayette in this post, I'll make them seperate entries.