Well...I guess I'm breaking my New Year's Resolution...although I didn't resolve not to post another thing here...it sure feels like it.
It was nice being home for Christmas and New Year's...but I'm glad to be back "out and about" as well...there are a lot of places to see, both big and small...and I'm looking forward to seeing them all.
I started out going to Hershey, PA for our first week back...and what can I say about that city other than...delicious! Lookinh forward to getting back there sometime when Hershey Park is open...there's a lot of roller coasters there to ride!
After that we stopped in Pittsburgh for a week...it was unseasonably warm weather that week...but nice to be around in Pittsburgh for it...I didn't take too many pictures because I knew I can get back most any time as it's only 2 to 2.5 hours away from "Home".
I went down to Spartansburg, SC after that and it was nice to be back in the Carolinas again...we stayed in a Residence Inn last down there and it was nice to have a kitchen and cook...we had a pot luck on Wednesday Night...my roomie made two big pans of lasagna and I made a cucumber pasta salad, chicken casserole, Chocolate Raspberry trifle and ambrosia...ok, so I went a bit overboard and there was waaaaay too much food...but I had leftovers to eat for the rest of the week! Topping that week off I got to see Aerosmith and Lenny Kravitz in Greensboro, NC on Saturday night...can you say 10th row! Big thanks to Scott (our Performance Director's boyfriend) for getting us tickets since he's working with the tour.
On the way up to Providence, I spent the evening with my cousins just outside of D.C.
It was fabulous catching up with my cousin Elmer, his wife Sally and their daughters Amy and Diana (although I was pretty much asleep by the time Diana got home...and just talked to her earlier on the phone). Their hosptality was amazing and I look forward to catching up some more real soon.
When I stopped in D.C. I was looking to take the Metro into town and see a few things but that didn't work out...the day that I arrived, I got in around 1PM and I was looking for the station and never found it...but I did find a Trader Joe's! So, after stopping an getting a couple of bottles of Charles Shaw, I got back on the road and saw a sign for the Udvar-Hazy extension of the National Air and Space Museum...so of course I stopped. It was amazing! I actually got teary-eyed...what a marvelous museum. The next day (after leaving Elmer and Sally's) I tried to do the Metro thing again...but didn't want to waste 1.5 to 2 hours in travel time...so I drove downtown and parked by the Jefferson Memorial...it's been a long time since I've been in there! After that I tried to find a parking space around the mall (I didn't want to pay $14 and hour to park in a lot!) so that I could go into some of the other museums around the mall...but I couldn't find a parking spot. I guess it was a good things a I would have wanted to spend a lot more time than I had in the museums!
After all that I got into Providence around 8pm on Tuesday...it's a nice city...and I'll have to get back up here sometime real soon...now to the pictures!