Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Start of Something Big

Could this be?
Well...first off, thanks to Keli for starting to blog again and using - they make it easy for you to start a blog of your own and I can now get this set up to keep in touch with everyone while I join the Sesame Street Live Tour of Elmo's Coloring Book as the Wardrobe Assistant.
Big thanks to the recently married Mr. David Glowe Jr.!

I'm so incredibly happy that Keli has returned to the blog scene as she is a wonderful and special person...and her view of the world around her is just soooooooo damn entertaining!
Check her out at she's just starting out again...can't wait to see what's happening in her life now. I wish her the best of luck in everything that life has to offer!

T-Minus 8 days
As I mentioned earlier I'm leaving town on January 3, 2005 to join the Sesame Street Live Tour in Omaha, NE. I am working to get things in order in my personal life (car insurance, taxes, AAA membership...etc.) so that I CAN leave town for 6 months. I'm really looking forward to getting started with this new job and the adventures that are in store.

I know that I join up in Omaha and then go to Lincoln (NE), St. Louis, Minneapolis, Sioux City (IA), Kansas City (MO), Dallas, Houston and Austin through January and February...although I don't where else exactly that I'll be in the next six months...I know that we'll be going through Las Vegas, L.A. and ending up in Hawaii in June! I'm looking forward to taking pictures of the places I visit in my spare time and sharing them with everyone.

I hope that I can update a lot and that you'll come back to see what I've been up to.

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