Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Resting (?) at home...

...Well, I've been home sine June 13th and have been getting caught up on all the rest that I had been missing out on for the last few months. Although I've been resting, I've also had a few projects that are taking up my time.

First either my phone was lost or stolen on the 17th...and I went and got a new phone...but I didn't have my SIM card...so no contacts. I've finally finished dredging through around somewhere upward of 400 contacts and hopefully have everything sorted out and combined with no duplicates. If you know I have your info and haven't heard from me lately...resend me your info...it could have been one that I couldn't find/recover. The last major backup I did was in December 06...so if I got your info after that...I may not currently have it.

I also have to make room on my Hard Drives and consolidate and cull through all of the music I have and the pictures I had taken during the last tour...hopefully getting that all in order will free up some computer time...and make my computer more responsive.

For all of you who may not have heard...I will be going out on the "West Coast" Tour...or Tour 1...where I'm trading in my sewing needles for a C-Wrench! I'm leaving the Wardrobe Dept and moving to Assistant Carpenter and am looking forward to expanding my stagehand talent base.

Also...on Wednesday the 13...I had passed my CDL driving test...and per the State of Ohio, I can drive the big rigs all by myself...who's a big boy?

Although I haven't gotten my plane ticket...I believe that I'm supposed to be in Minneapolis on June 22...so almost 4 more weeks at home...hope that I get the chance to visit with everyone while I'm home.

I'll try to catalog my pics shortly after taking them...and then I can post some up quicker and hopefully keep on top of my blog this time around.

Gonna go watch some Penn & Teller Bullshit...
