Monday, February 28, 2005

Today I cried.

After the three hour bus ride from Dallas to Oklahoma City and getting settled into the hotel, I walked over to the Memorial for the boming of the Federal Building in 1995. The memorial was solemn, dramatic and provided for some nice photos, however the museum started off showing that it was a normal day...and then you go into the next room where they play the Water Board (which was across the street) meeting tape and you hear the explosion...then you go through the rest of the museum. The displays were effective but the part that put me over the edge was the pictures of the people who died along with little artifacts from their life or things that they loved. It just really hit home for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly it's because as hard as we try to empathize, nothing is as real as exactly being there. Imagine how much more devastating it would have been to actually have been there at the time. Try as we may, we can't understand what those who are actually there experience.