Saturday, March 26, 2005

Christos Voskrese

That is the way that we say "Christ is Risen!" in Slovak in the Byzantine Faith.

I have truly missed this weekend's church services and festivities...unfortunately in El Paso I can't find a Byzantine Church...but our faith is in how we carry and present ourselves and look at and react to the world around us.

Although I miss everyone back singing the songs during the Good Friday and Ressurection services that I miss the most...I hope that Uncle Bill didn't mind me singing his solo a couple of times during the past few days.

I hope that everyone has a Blessed and Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vo Istinu Voskres! With the Feast of the Annuncation falling on Good Friday there weren't many of the "traditional" songs that the choir sang. Alan did find a way to slip in a couple (Now You Shall Dismiss Your Servant and The Venerable Joseph Tropar both in OS)and there were a few numbers the choir sang before Ressurection Matins last night at 11:00pm. Father Steve told me he found out from Bishop John that I can distribute communion whenever he needs me to (spilled a bit during Holy Saturday Vespers - 5:00 - but Q says it happens at least once to everyone. At least I didn't drop the whole chalice!). I'll eat a little extra food from the basket for you after I visit Dr. Sylvestro tomorrow. It looks like I'll need the files inside on the one canine he just fixed in January. BTW I've joined the IM ranks - ByzCathCantor - add me to your list, you're already on mine.
Your long haired bro.