Wednesday, March 02, 2005 need a root canal!

A few weeks back I had chipped off a part of one of my teeth...and a couple of days after that the filling that was in there fell out. I knew that I would have to get it taken care of eventually. Well eventually became now as I started feeling some twinges of pain in the tooth...I was able to find a dentist in downtown Oklahoma City...within walking distance from the hotel and made an appointment for 9:30 this morning.

My dental insurance won't kick in until the price of a filling ranging between $80-$150 was acceptable although not entirely welcome. Imagine my utter glee upon getting in the chair and having an x-ray taken and finding out that the decay went all the way to the root and that I had three choices: Root Canal, Extraction or just try and luck it out and maybe the tooth will behave itself until June.

Knowing how my teeth like to behave...or more correctly, NOT to behave...I opted for the root canal. The cost was in line with previous root canals (unfortunately I have experience in this area) except this time I got to pay the full amount. Luckily I had started out with and have been able to maintain a bit of a reserve in my bank account.

The root canal in itself went quite quick and easy. I would highly reccommend Dr. Jason Dukes for all of your dentistry needs while in Oklahoma City (228 Robert S. Kerr Ave - Suite #130 / 405-232-8743) they were very efficient and nice and were able to see not only to my last minute appointment request...but able to handle my root canal needs without any hassles whatsoever. Everything was taken care of within an hour...kind of like on Family Ties (or was that a half hour?)

When it came time to pay...I found out that my Check Card had expired at the end of I couldn't use the account that I knew I had enough money in to cover the bill. After contemplating using a Credit Card to pay I thought that I may have had enough in my business account to cover the cost, and used that card instead. On my way back to the hotel, I checked in with home to see if my new Check Card had come...and low and behold it was there. The only problem is that they don't send it with big bold letters saying "Here's your new Checking and/or Credit Card!!!"...for obvious therefore it wasn't forwarded to me with my pertinent mail and magazines. long as the winter storm that is gripping Cleveland abates a bit, I should be able to have that overnighted to me and it'll be business as usual.

When I got back to the hotel I had a sinking suspiscion that I didn't have enough in the business account to cover the cost of the root canal. I went online and was able to confirm my worst fears. However, I had enough foresight to bring my check book out with me on tour. So I preceeded to walk back to the dentist's office and had them void out the charge on the business account card and paid for it with a check...using the money that I had planned on using but just going about it in a different manner than I had planned.

And all this before noon...
I wonder what the rest of the day has in store...maybe I should just go back to bed and enjoy my last day off this week.

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