Tuesday, January 18, 2005

St. Louis Stuff

Load-in wasn't ask good here...I found out that I need to be very specific with the local help and tell them that when they take something where I tell them to take it that I have to make sure that I tell them to come back to me for more stuff to push out to the stage. We ended up with a backlog of things that were loaded off the truck with only one or two people to push things around. We started at 7am this morning and our wardrobe locals arrived around 10am and we got started with getting things set up. Kim and Jane helped get things set up and then helped with a few repairs we got everything ready to go. We went to Union Station for lunch (btw...if David ever wants to go to Panda Express to eat...don't let him) I helped point David in the direction of the Walgreen's as he needed to pick up some make-up brushes for the show and I ended up walking there with him and Jen as well (instead of going back to the hotel and working out before the show). We got back just in time to stop at the hotel and then to go and get ready for the first show. The first show went well and after two days off...we were back in to the swing of things. The evening was pretty nice...it was in the 70s...didn't really need a coat! I took a journey out to a BP that was only a few blocks away, looking to buy some beer...it's better than paying $7.00 for a beer at the bar at the hotel...to find that they didn't have any...I asked the attendant where the closest place was to buy beer...and although it was a bit of a hike...it was about the same distance from the hotel in the opposite direction of where I had already gone...it wasn't too far. In fact, it ended up being only a couple of blocks away from the venue...the 7-11 not only had beer...but some liqour as well! I ended up picking up some beer for Les and Carrie as well as a 6 of Amber Bock and a bag of Cheetos and a small bottle of JD for myself. The walk over to the 7-11 was pretty neat, as a thunderstorm was starting to roll in with lightning flashing...it was lighting up the whole sky but it was still miles away...it rained a little bit, but I took my umbrella with me...so all was well. The walk back to the hotel with all the stuff hurt my fingers a bit but there was no rain. I got back shortly after the Chineese that was ordered earlier was delivered...and I watched the rest of "The Grudge" while eating my pork fried rice in Les and Carrie's room.

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